Monday, March 15, 2010

Pameran Pengantin 2010, PWTC

Thanks to Cinta Aliah Gallery.. me & Yong got the chance to makeup their model for the fashion show... Thanks a lot A.I & A.J!! May ur business more prosper this year ahead! Muuaahhss.. :-*

1. My model - Bid, before & after... (hair done by A.J!!)

2. The events...


  1. Thanks a lot to u all. Hope lepas ni kita boleh join apa2 event lagi. sronok dpt jumpa u & yong (^_^).

    mekap u mmg cantek. berubah betol muka bid :)

  2. yer la...macam tak puas je nak 'beramas' mesra dgn ko Ai...hahaha... :p
    tenkiu coz puji...otai yg puji tu berharga tu... :D

  3. thanks ct safa... i pun suke u punye lovely! :)


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