Saturday, December 11, 2010

Makeup Wedding Reception - Syaima USJ

Makeup Syaima for her wedding reception in USJ... Remember that i did her engagement makeup some times ago? Soo lovely & naturally pretty girl... Thanks so much dear & congrats on ur wedding! :)


  1. kak fad~! i like and love your make up very the much much. tq sangat-sangat. semua orang suka. and tanya kenapa tak stick pada akak utk tiga2 acara tu. huhu. tq once again. appreciate your skill and your artwork on my face and other brides. :) keep up the good work akak. i will support and recommend you to my friends.

  2. Thanks a lot my dear Syaima..appreciate it so much! Wishing u & hubby a smooth sailing life ahead! :)


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