Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Eidul Fitr Greetings & Some useful tips! ;)

Salam to all,

A bit late to wish all muslims here Eidul Fitr 1431H! ;)
Will keep updating my blog starting end of this week after a long, long Raya break...hehe  :)

* greetings from my daughter, Arissa! ;)


Ok, here I would like to share some useful tips for all my beloved customer... Some of the tips I observed after sometimes doing makeups... :)

1. Do facial a week before but not a day before! Usually skins are more sensitive after facial..

2. Get enough rest & sleep before your big day to avoid eye bags & dark circles...and drinks lots of water too...

3. Have an air-conditioning room to do makeup with proper/natural lighting (avoid yellowish lighting). Avoid as much possible sweating during makeups as it will ruin makeup! It's a big NO NO...

4. Have your face cleaned & moisturised before makeup to prepare the skin.. And if you are wearing contact lenses please wear it before makeup. Wear it with cleaned hands tau, kang mata pedih! If mata berair lepas pakai contact tu means contact lens tak bersih, kena cuci semula..

5. Have meal before makeup so can keep you up during the day.. :)

6. To have a big dolly eyes, you can try contact lenses with bigger eye ring (ada byk dah jual sekarang contoh mcm FreshLook Illuminate!)

7. Wear front button shirt during makeup to ease changing cloth after makeup is done...

8.  Prepare a chair that have backrest for you during makeup session. Makeup usually took about 2 hrs so you need to sit comfortably ya.. :)

9. Last but not least... IF possible, please avoid/minimise people to come in during makeup process ye..Ini utk melancarkan makeup process.. But it's actually up to the bride, akak takkan halang anybody to come & greet the bride during makeup pun.. :)

Emm, tu je dulu..if ada teringat lagi akak tambah ye... Takecare! ;)


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