Monday, April 12, 2010

Makeup Class with Munie Ahmad!! =D

Alhamdulillah, dapat berguru dgn idola makeup ku Munie Ahmad pulak! Always love her natural looks on the bride... For me her makeup always looks fresh, clean and not so overly-done...just right for perfect bridal makeup! ;)

Many things i learnt from her...even though i have basic but there are certain things that i need to polish up...
Thanks to Munie sbb tak kedekut ilmu langsung & she is such a humble, nicest person I've met!
May ur career in makeup will grow & grow & GROW!... :D

I bring my fren, Shereen along & she became the 'tikus putih'...hehehe... :p

1. 1st session - step by step makeup by Munie on the right side of Shereen's face & i followed at the other side...


* pretty!! =D


2. During 2nd session - makeup totally by me, Munie jadi mandor je..hehe...
* I'm doing soft natural look for Shereen... Socket gold for her eyes + nude lips!

* * Then sempat berphotoshoot kat luar..hehehe...


  1. rajin tol kau join makeup class. cantek hasilnya tu..soft je.. :)

  2. Hehehe..ilmu perlu dikejar hingga ke negeri china!! :D

  3. lawaaa glerr !!
    nak blaja jugak dgn ramai org.. tp xdok duit. isk..

  4. tenkiu amy! mmg cantik cara munie makeup..suke kan? takpe, nanti sikit2 simpan duit jadi banyak..hehe ;)

  5. Two thums UP Fad! You did a great job! Love these two make ups! :-)

  6. teringin gak nak belajar kat munie lah.....tengok hasil u mmg i suka...

  7. nadiya : thanks!! u always give me spirit sis! :)
    zarina: mmg berbaloi2 amik kelas munie ni coz dia mengajara 1 to 1... :)

  8. Wow! you all look superb in this makeup.
    Thank you for sharing this photos.
    Natural makeup

  9. Ere, thanks for all ur comments dear.. I really loves ur products..hope it'll be available here in Malaysia... :)

  10. I like this activity. Can I join your class?
    Pleese sends me the procedure of joining your class. Link permanently with me. Thanks for posting.

  11. Hi there..glad that u loved it..but this makeup class is held by munie ahmad (makeup artist)..u can contact her by email :)

  12. Let’s hope that whatever he planned he got that. Moreover if he achieved whatever he has decided then that would be beneficial for all. So let’s hope and pray for his success.

  13. Natural makeup is the best way to look good and impressive. It will not leave any side-effect on your face and skin.


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