Saturday, January 9, 2010

My makeup collections..(and it's grooowing!) :D

most of my makeup is mac...i'm so addicted to it! =D

1. the brushes...(new addition is pencil brush 219 and more to come..hehe)

2. the eyeshadow & blusher... (now i'm converting it all into mac e/s palette..)

3. the foundation, primer & concealer...

4. the pencil, lipstic, gloss & mascara... (lipstick mac now ada 6!)


  1. waaa..seronoknya tgk barang mekap akak..terigin btol nk beli..bila lalu butik mac je sgt la nak beli..tgk wet dlm purse cam tak bape bykk.terpksa hold je..amat la susah nk beli satu pun..sbb terasa sgt mahl..huhu..
    nk tye akak pasal mac studio fix tu..if pakai yg tu je ok tak..mean takde pkai foundation dlu..ok tak?saya igt nk beli mac studio fix msih berkira2..yg mmpu revlon/loreal je..huhu..

  2. best tgk..saya skrg pun tgh mngumpul brg mac..skrg ni tgh bkira kira nk bli apa lg antara bobbi brown n mac mn lg ok ?

  3. salam makteh..mac studiofix tu takla berapa lg guna foundation mac studio sculpt then studio fix powder foundation utk full coverage.. :)
    antara bobbi brown & mac..memasing best!! :)


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