Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My new toy - NYX Makeup Artist Kit! =D

NYX Makeup Artist Kit S101
36 eyeshadows, 3 bronzers, 5 blushes & 5 lip color...
Ordered from NYX US via forum at coz currently this brand not yet available in Malaysia...


1. Eye shadows... (love all the colors!)

2. Blusher, bronzer & lip color...

* Wait for my next makeover using this new stuff & see how it turns out ya! ;)


  1. wahhhhhhhhhh...mcm mana mau order ni..sis jual x...

  2. va va va...nampak best la wei. nak jugakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  3. Salam, bli NYX ni melalui dealer ini..

    Dia akan orderkan melalui website NYX tu & kena la tunggu dalam 1 bulan utk barang tu sampai..
    Tak silap yang ni bli dgn harga lebih kurang USD30 (RM120+) gitu...

    If berminat bleh le order..tapi dealer ni cuma bukak order mengikut offer dari website tu, so kena tunggu ada offer dari website NYX then baru boleh order...

  4. bestnyer...nyah ajar aku makeup gie keje....just simple one...heheheheheh-farah

  5. I loikeeeee.....very much this set! Ok tak colour dia? I mean intense x fad?

  6. nadiya...i blum try lg kit ni...tunggu mangsa makeover seterusnya...hehehe... nak try kat customer takut pulak tak lawa ke, tungguuu...hehe :)

  7. Fad how's your experience using this pallette at ur cust? Kaler ok x? If blending masuk tak?
    If OK-thot of ordering too. Can I order thru you...or I just go directly to the above website yg you bagi? Thks ya!


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