Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wedding Photoshoot - Fadilah

Makeup for wedding photoshoot for Fadilah.. Thanks to my fren Dijah for recommending me! ;)
I'll also be doing her makeup for bertandang at Puchong this coming 29th May.. :)

1. Pics before & after..


  1. wahhhhh meletoooppppp aku suka.... tantek :)

  2. Orangnye pun mmg dah lawa yong, hehe

  3. kak..cmna nk dptkn muka yg flawless n x brcapuk dlm gmbr?foundation kn sapu tbal ke kak?kalo akak x kbratan kongsi la ilmu akak..dh lama nk tau ni..

  4. camne? emm. kena gunakan base foundation yang sesuai kot dan letak sekata samada guna brush or sponge..dab sehingga tak bercapuk...yg penting dlm makeup yg cantik adalah teknik blending! :)


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