Saturday, January 15, 2011

Makeup Solemnization & Wedding Reception - Hanna

Makeup Hanna for her solemnization & wedding reception in Shah Alam... A very friendly girl with a nice big smile.. Thanks so much dear! :)

1. Nikah

2. Sanding
*didn't managed to capture much shots as i was rushing gile! huhuu...*


  1. Hey, I have a beauty blog that I would like you to check it out and see if you like it. You will found, reviews, tutorials and cool random topics.
    I love how the cheeks looks and her teeth are so white!!! Hahaha
    I hope see you there, bye.

  2. oh my goodness fadh! my before makeup face is horrendous!!!! haha!

  3. Haha..takle teruk u want me to remove it..i don't mind... :)


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